Raising funds to replace our long serving minibus is a priority this year. The replacement cost is a whopping £51,000.With your support we every confidence in meeting this target. Over the year there will be a number of events given over to fund raising. On your part there are any number of things that you might do. Become a Member of Hibiscus: annual membership fee £60.00 and raise funds on its behalf, attend our next Fund Raising Event make a donation, encourage friends and family members to join you and lets build any army of fund raisers to secure Willie's Pension.
My name is William, but my passengers call me Willie.
My name is William, but my passengers call me Willie. I am a P. Reg Mercedes seventeen seater minibus so no need to ask how old I am. I have been a loyal servant to Hibiscus Caribbean Elderly Association from day one,and I am still with them. I have a wealth of experience and an abundance of memories.of: wonderful men and women who have passed through my doors. You have no idea of how may bums have sat on my seats over the yeas I have had them all, small medium and large. I have a lot of mileage under the bonnet and if I could talk would tell you stories about driving on London roads that would make you have sleepless nights. Anyway the truth is my time is up.I need to retire. However I have a problem I don't have a pension. So I went to see a financial consultant and he told me to get busy and raise some corn. Raise some corn! I had to ask him what he was talking about: I know I have horse power but I don't run on corn! No no he said you misunderstand I mean money corn. Oh I said that's not so bad, how much? About fifty grand. Well I stalled and almost broke down but James save me, he pull out the choke rev up the gas and gave me a drink. I have to tell you I don't know what I would without James. Well when I got back on me wheels I had a splitting headache I could not for the life of me work it out. I went to a financial consultant for help and he tell me I must raise £50.000. and I cant even talk let alone have a bank account. So I decided to go and see Mr. Moto. to be continued.